༄༅། སྦི་སི་བོད་མིའི་རིག་གཞུང་ཚོགས་པ།།
Tibetan Cultural Society of British Columbia
Language School
Retaining language among the children who were born in the diaspora community is a challenge we face and learn from, like many other immigrant communities. The main objective of this school is to teach the kids Tibetan: reading, writing and speaking.
Our Collection
With the generous support from Tsengdok Rinpoche by providing a classroom space and volunteer teachers, we have started Tibetan language class on Sundays at Tsengdok Monastery since November 2010.
Retaining language among the children who were born in the diaspora community is a challenge we face and learn from, like many other immigrant communities. The main objective of this school is to teach the kids Tibetan: reading, writing and speaking. Whereby they can, indeed, take advantage of their own heritage and enrich themselves and feel proud of themselves. Aside from teaching language, it will allow us to introduce to the children other aspects of Tibetan culture at the same time. And as we continue with class in the months and years to come, we hope to get enriched with experiences from the classes and working together with everyone. As much as we would like to thank all the people who've worked hard and made a generous contribution towards setting up the Sunday class, we would like to ask everyone's support and good faith in the months and years to come so that the school will continue and be a positive learning experience for the children.
Our latest Tibetan language class schedule and location information may be found here.